“Today you are you, that is truer than true; there is no one alive who is youer than you, so be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr Seuss
I woke up.
Pain is almost totally gone.
I had a dream today.
I dreamt that I was at a dance club. It may sound funky but it's more than that.
It was a place where you could go, bring the music of your choice and you could dance to it the way you dance - basically that was the point: to express your feelings and personality through dancing - and you were always appreciated and loved for it and you always got the attention for the expression of yourself through your movements.
I was dancing as well. It felt so good. I felt beautiful.
And whenever someone brought her music (yes there were mainly girls) she could dance to it while the others were just watching openly and accepting and appreciating the dancing one and after a while you could go dance with her, always one more person at a time. So when you danced your dance, you could enjoy attention and appreciation and than one came and you could share everything that came out of you (movements, feelings), in a very personal way, just the two of you while others were giving loving attention to you. Good about this is that you dance your dance and someone gets touched by it - by the music you like and by your expressions - and the one that feels the most urge to share it with you joins you and than you know you touched a part of her soul so you dence together very safely and openly. And than after it one more person joins and than you dance the three of you, again emotionally very safely, openly, sharing everything coming out of you. And so on until everyone joins, and than you dance like super-mass. In oneness and harmony.
It's kinda' workshop for body and soul.
Wonder what that means...
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