This writing will be about two different things.
The first one is to hereby grieve the old tree that was standing in the middle of the yard of Vraa Hojskole. It was dying since years due to some infection and now it was cut. That morning was so sad.
It was so nice to have the wiew onto that tree from my window.
And mentioning my window - here is a picture about it. Well, the tree is not so very visible, but now it is so empty without it....

And now for something completely different...
In the beginning I saw you as you really were: whole and perfect. Just as you are.
I was wrong
reminding you of your wounds.
Through you I found something so beautiful inside of me.
And I found so ugly things as well.
Nevertheless I shouldn't have ever said some things I said.
So now I am a newborn.
From now on I intend to be like a child.
A being for whom everything is so fresh, so new. Every day, every moment. Every drop of water that touches the body while taking a shower. Every sunbeam and raindrop that crosses my road. Every leave that is falling down to make this autumn so beautiful. Every-every look in everyones eyes.
And than it is just so beautiful. So utterly wonderful.
And being a newborn
I see you as perfect and whole as you are. With all the capabilities of all wonderful things in life.
I see you being loving, connecting, brave, strong, true, wonderful, supportive, rich, abundant, being there for your loved ones, understanding, compassionate, and so-so unique.
And with that I let you go.
With that I'm sending the greatest good of my heart, I'm sending all I have because I know, if I share my treasures I'm just gonna find even more of them - to share.
And I feel a beam of all beauty in the creation going out from my heart to you and I see you sitting on it and sailing far away on the ocean of life.
And so blessed we are.
I love you.
You may think I'm covering up the pain with the greatest love that I've ever felt, and so I become even better and better lover.
You may be right.
But this is my choice to do so.
If I have two choices wether to allign with pain or to allign with even more love - I choose the last one.
And I love you even more.
Not forgetting the pain.
Not forgetting that I can just go in and out of different states of mind, different stages of consciousness.
And not forgetting to humbly nick my head in front of All, in front of the higher will, and in front of you,
who is so eternally beautiful,
whom I can't stop loving.
Let it be your will.
I love you.
I so truly do.
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