Reggel 9:50, és már bringáztam, és már álltam sorban háromnegyed órát, és már vissza is jöttem a suliból, és még tanulnom kell a délutáni vizsgámra,
de ehelyett azon jár az agyam tulajdonképp már tegnap este óta, hogy mi is van ezzel a
Love Police-szal?
I Love the stuff you think and do. It's nice to wake people up. Not mentioning if you feel that this is your 'call'.
But "resistance is useless" as they say. (I love Star Wars too, yes.)
And, indeed, if you resist something you give energy to it, you make it more real, you help it to manifest. And you can't win a war with fighting back. Just remember Gandhi.
We could've learned so far that the same attitude can't solve the problem caused by the same attitude.
Dude, I really appreciate what you're doing. And I think the real revolution begins on a personal level. If you push it too hard - not gonna happen. See, what I mean is that in those who started anyway to wake up you'll strengthen the thing, they'll probably go with you, it's gonna be familiar to them - and to see something familiar is a great joy - as Aristotele said. But those who choose to sleep: it is their choice. Let them be. But true: we have to give the opportunity. 'cos maybe there are people who are not sleeping out of their choice, they do so, out of the lack of information. So I do not deny that there is place for what you do. I'm questioning the way - you could actually be working for the government as well... Don't take it personally, please. Just do what you say: think for yourself.
It is fun - for you and for all those who think the same, feel the same. But we can't and we do not have to make everybody think and feel the same. Instead we can embrace. Because
there is absolutely nothing to fix, and
there is much to embrace, darling.
And see you're doing good: I am also
thinking for myself. Because of what you do! The things you're saying are abso-f-in-lutely good. They actually help me to see things very different from what you're talking about very differently. (Not gonna talk about them right now.)
Yea, maybe there must be someone doing this, and if you feel that this is your call as I said earlier, so keep on!
So I'm just asking myself here: does it matter if you "resist" and "revolt" loudly, in an active way or if you do the same silently, for yourself, peacefully, non-resistingly through your writing, books, living or making seminars - like f.e. Menis Yousry (google him, he's awesome).
And of course it is good to act, to really
do something for what you consider worthy. I like that. It is much-much better than just sit at home...
But maybe it is even better to just love, and just enjoy life and sunshine... it's not like not taking responsibility... it's more like creating in your part of the world exactly that which you're fighting for... by the way in my opinion to fight
for something is more uplifting than to fight against, and even better to not fight at all....
Also was wondering why is it that in your videos only men are speaking and acting? Is it because of the nature of man and woman? Like because the male-energy is the active energy and the female-energy is the passive, the accepting kind of energy? Is it because a women would care about that the person next to her feels good no matter what corporations do rather than go to the street and wake people up? I'm not saying that the one way is better or worse than the other. I'm just thinking for myself....And wondering if you ever thougth about these questions for yourself. Wouldn't the Earth be a more peaceful place if we followed the "woman-way" of handling things? Just care about the very next people to us? (I'm just asking. And I'm not at all talking about the woman most women are these days, including myself. I'm talking about the highest vision of female-energy...)
And also: is it worth at all to ask questions before acting? Most gurus and teachers say: no. So my respect is yours, pal.
I love you.
I really do.
Thanks for sharing.
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