2010. augusztus 24., kedd


Bad feeling thoughts.
But they are only thoughts nothing else...
Not reality.

I do not need someone who is not accepting the reality of US...

And I truly wish I was so much in love with myself as I am with Him. And I truly wish from all of my heart he experienced that flow of love with me that I experience with him, whenever I look at him.

This morning, I so much wished to share that love with Him, but I can not. It is impossible. Because it is in me. And I can not control what is in Him. I just
He felt it too, because it is so wonderful, so big, so mighty, so good, so tasty....

It is impossibel to say.
Maybe I can show it.

Maybe non of us needs me showing it.

Maybe it just is.

And it is good for me.

Thanks for sharing.

I love you.

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