2011. január 29., szombat

Drugs and Mistakes

Nowdays drugs are shitty. They just make you dull, stupid. Drugs do disturb. My experience is totally in harmony with what this man is saying: the trip is worth to take. But the side effects kill everything you had with and without the drug.
That is why I use meditation for a long time...

Use meditation, buddies.



I must remember how extremely valuable are mistakes... There's nothing wrong with them. It is just the way a human learns....
much better to look at it like this than how I used to...(me being stupid and stuff like that...)

"If you're protected somehow form committing mistakes, you will never grow." "Few times you may fall - nothing to be worried about it. You can get up again. And next time you will be walking more carefully, more alert. So you have gained something out of that fall..."

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