2009. július 26., vasárnap

Day 206-207. - Open letter

Open letter to my good old friend, Jules,
London based happily meditating lawyer,
in his fifties maybe,
interseted in personal development.
He is able to be happy even after a lost case.

Hi Jules,

thank you for sharing.
Do so anytime when you feel like.
This is a beautiful poem. You do very good to yourself - and through yourself to the world too - when you heal yourself this way. Through meditation. (But I'm sure you know that.)
I know this feeling. There were times this year when I got to this state spontaneously, sometimes because of love and because I had to and I wanted more to stay centered than anything else, and also when I had hard times after days of pain and crying, when I decided to sit down at least, take a deep breath and listen to mySelf, and open my eyes that are the eyes of Love.

Last time you called me there was no good network again, was there?

In the meantime I catched a cold, it was quite bad 3 days... I think it is because any other way I wouldn't let myself take a break just lying in my bed, separated from the "outer world" - staying in my world, remember I told you I was antisocial - ...I should've had already learned that it is important to take a break once in a while, and that it is important to take my time doing so, and to allow myself to do whatever feels good.

Also yesterday I watched a very short video with Deepak Chopra, he told about success in it. And since than I am thinking, asking myself about what he said: that success is just a byproduct IF and WHEN you do what you would really gladly do if you had all the time and all the money of the world...(and he said if you just do that, than you will have all the time and all the money of the world to do that...)
And guess what? - I do not know what would I do. At least not with my conscious mind. Yet. But I'm sure it will come up soon. It used to be like this if I hav a question usually I find the answer within days.
But still it is surprising for me.
Well, I have ideas but what I answer to this question it is changing from time to time. From hour to hour, from mood to mood...
Also because of this it came into my mind that I always have been a person who makes decisions very slowly. It is hard for me indeed. And I was thinking maybe it is also just because of fear. The very first fear of losing life. Than comes that one is afraid of choosing one path at the expense of all the other paths, and one doesn't know if that path is the best one and maybe one will make the wrong decision but never knows before, only when it is too late. And I think the root of this particular fear of choise is in that fear of death.
But as I write this down it seems just stupid.
Because I have seen things that very few - but a growing number of - persons can see these days. And because I have seen things, and I have experienced those things I must have the conclusion how is this world working, or to put another way: how is it working in my world, what is my truth.
And my truth is that it is quite an experience to pass through the "dimensions" of realities, but there is nothing to be afrid of.
Still, I can't make decisions - or right now it seems to be this way.
Also I know I shouldn't say that to myself... I know. I know everything. As I know myself now: nobody can say anything new to me, I just can make myself remember through all what is happening and all whom I meet in this life experience to what I already know.
But as you know too, it is another thing to know something with the mind, than to know it with the heart AND to live, to act according to that.

I wrote already a lot again. :)

Thank you for listening to me.
It just came out...

By all means, I'll meditate more about this question.
What exactly and gladly would I do if I now had all the time and all the money in the world?

Thanks again for sharing and for the opportunity to share. :)

Love you!


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