2009. július 29., szerda

Day 209-210. - Sex&relationship

On sex and relationship

-to work on loving yourself is the key to attract love into your life.

-What do you search for in a good relationship? - a good relationship improves the quality of your life. Everyone of us, human beings, needs to feel loved, appreciated, understood and needed. A good relationship gives that to you and also great joy and spiritual connection, deep feeling of trust and so safety. Where there's love, there's safety.
But it is not about finding someone else to comfort you, to define you, or to reject you.
It is about loving yourself, being sure and safe about yourself, and sharing this life with someone.

Physical satisfaction is not the true joy of sex. Because that is the emotional and psyhical and physical satisfaction, the intimacy, the joy of touch and sensuality.

Cite by Stuart Berlin - I wish he would be right...
"When humanity realizes that sex is not designed for men but has been designed by evolution for women, for the female orgasm and men become heroes in the service of the Divine feminine and in service of the female orgasm then the break between men and women will start to be healed and war and patriarchy can disappear. When men and women are deeply connected in love and bliss men will not fight in wars nor be slaves to the capitalists.
The more spiritual a woman is the more powerful her sexual energy becomes. The tantric crone goddess integrates and maximizes both maternal unconditional love and powerful sexual orgasmic love.
When men stop looking at women with their eyes that only see a television image of woman as beautiful and realize that beauty comes from the loving heart, then and only then will they realize they every woman is beautiful and every woman deserves to be worshipped and adored as the manifestation of the Divine Feminine. Every woman deserves to have orgasms that become continuous and last for an hour or more every day. Yes I said EVERY DAY."

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