Ijesztő még belegondolni is...
Very-very hard to find for me.
Sincerely I lost a lot of values that I had when I was a child. But I remember everything. I remember the feeling of easily flowing creativity.
But the memory of what makes me happy is lost in the storm of fears and doubts in myself, and in the angry jungle of this society we are living in now. The expectations, the thoughts that were forced onto me by society.
Deepak Chopra is saying something really-really simple about success:
What would you do if you had all the time and money in the world? Do that, and you'll have all the time and the money of the world.
And later from another source this information comes to me:
"What a concept. That phrase is also the basis of the standard question when determining life purpose. What would you do if you didn’t need the money?"
(Source: http://www.intent.com/peacecorso/blog/work)
And tears get into my eyes.
Tears of desire, of wanting.
How much I desire to do that:
If I would have now all the money and time in the world, first I would go to the Chopra-Center, doing meditation course, than I would go to a nice place near the sea or the ocean, I would go there with my loved one called Kristóf, I would be with him, spend as much time together as we want 'cos we would have plety of free time, and I would sleep long in the mornings. And I would buy a big house after his dream,

Life basis is a relationship, which is basically unconditionally loving,

Because sorrow shared is a half sorrow, and happiness and joy shared is double joy.
A life with every-day sunshine.
Yes at least I dare to be sinciere to myself: this kind of relationship is the most important thing in my life. As love is the most important thing in my life.
And than I would help a lot of people by supporting groups like the Chopra-center, like the Essence Foundation - where people can learn how to improve their lives, where peaople learn how to help themselves, how to be free. Maybe me myself would teach something.
I would enjoy so much this journey to these colorful, easy, sunny, love-filled pictures of my life...
Another chapter about what I love to do:
There is one tricky part in finding your passion: Whatever it is you love doing can come so easy to you that it’s hard to recognize. It may even look like something you should not be doing.
For example: One of my clients, who loves reading romance novels, for some strange reason thought this was not something appropriate to do. She had gotten it into her mind that reading novels was a guilty pleasure. Well, eventually she did admit her passion for juicy romance and today she is a published author of her own!
So, pay close attention to what lights you up and be ready to allow what seems mundane to be your talent!"
(Source: http://karinmanskecoaching.com/blog/?p=993)
So, I love to read about these kind of spiritual things. I like to listen to Abraham-Hicks - teachings, because they resonate for me. Because when I hear them, I have a feeling like this: yes!, and I feel the same logic and sense and energy inside of me, like they have. I find great joy when I talk to people, who work for helping people phsychically, and spiritually to improve their lives. I love to create in my thoughts all things I want. I love to imagine what a life I want to have. I love to write about my life, about my feelings, about my journey.
What would I do all the time if I could: taking singing lessons from professional teachers and being in a studio recording songs, singing, and than the big-big concerts with the band, and I wanted my significant other to come with me, or just visit me on the tour some time.
What gives me meaning and purpose? To love him. Him, my significant other. Open. Kristóf. To be with him. To make love with him. To have fun with him. To lough together. Just to walk together on the path. Just to be with him.
To live a life of advanture.
Travelling, growing in spirituality, love and peace. Snowboarding. Scubadiving. Skydiving.
...not the house is important, not to have it. But the beauty and the richness, the abundance, the welth, the emotional wellbeing and the freedom. The smell of the sunshine and the see. The mountains. The learning. To give to people what I have learned.
To have our names in peoples minds. As amazing, creative, free and good people.
8 megjegyzés:
I wish not approve on it. I regard as warm-hearted post. Specially the title attracted me to study the intact story.
I really truly wish I knew who are you dear visitor. (Please explain the first sentence...I don't understand...)
And reading it all again I must say: EVERYTHING IS CHANGING all the time. Even my preferences. Nothing is constant in this world once my kung-fu master told me, only CHANGE.
Thoughts and desires change with growing older and wiser.
As seeing things more clearly grows and grows...
And so do you know the intact story now? Could you tell me what you see? I'm interested in your opinion..
Nice brief and this fill someone in on helped me alot in my college assignement. Say thank you you as your information.
miert ne:)
Ismerek valakit, aki midnig ezt szokta mondani... Miért ne....
de az ember, így a célok, a félelmek, az álmok is, minden változik.
Persze, van, ami ugyanaz marad bennünk mindvégig...
Very nice and intrestingss story.
...it is changing by time and growing older and wiser...
it's an old dream.
maybe I should write down the updated one if there is one.
I don't know.
I could dive into my soul and see....
I'll see...
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