2009. augusztus 7., péntek

Day 219. Vegyes-felvág-ott * Mixed mash

This song is dedicated to all the kind, loveable, beautiful and messed up people like me. To all who know and to all who don't know what is why.
And there is one very special person to whom we have to be grateful because he wrote this song.
It is Jay Kay. Respect, love and big hug to Jay Kay. Hope that everything is on it's place in your life. Hope you can do it. I send you much love and appreciation.
(Of course whithout music it may seem strange to one who doesn't know the song or didn't use to listen to Jamiroquai...)

...and some little thing from one of my favourite calssical hungarian composers: Bartók. Basically this song is written for girls/boys choir... I used to go to a choir for more than ten years. ...I miss it very much... But we grew up. We are at the beginning of Life... I miss you folks. I miss the good times we had together. But, nothing is permanent in life only the change...
...it was a safe life. It is a nice memory. There was system in the weeks. System of the choir-days. It was sweet little life for me. Now it's big scary life. Wider wiew, bigger freedom, bigger responsibility. No mum. No friends. Only travellers like me. Sharing some time together on the road. Try to make it good. Not always succeeding.
I'm right before the big jump.
From not entire responsibility into LIFE.
From never never land to the realm of possibilities. Rewriting old patterns in safety. Getting to know myself.
From fear into love. Into freedom.

Funny. Nothing will change but the surest knowing of the only way to find my way to get a life, and the fact that I will do my best: I will master my thouhts, so that I will be able to choose my experience. I never again let myself down.

But all of this is bla-bla. Only confetti of the mind.

Bartók is király.
Bartók cool.

The song is about: don't go away. If you leave me here, my soul will be filled with sorrow. All my life I will remember you. You'll stay with me always.

With lots of love and deepest gratitude to the choir, to the memory of Béla Bartók, to my people who love Hungarian language and tunes, and to all those who share feelings with me...

I love you. I really do.
I can't give anything else, and I don't have anything else to do here...

So I love myself

and love you.

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