2009. szeptember 22., kedd

Day 20-22. Causality - in a different way

I'm illuminated.
I love my mum.
My mum loves me like no one ever did and like no one ever will.
So I know very well how to love.

I love only one man in this whole world. More than I've ever loved anyone. Open.
I don't know why.
But it is how it is.

You know like Popeye said:

I yam what I yam.

You don't have to be no fish to tell when you're flounderin'
What am I? Some kind of barnacles on the dinghy of life?
I ain't no doctors but I knows when I'm losin' me patiensk
What am I? Some kind of judge, or a lawyers?
Aw, maybe not; but I knows what laws suits me
So what am I? I ain't no physciscisk, but I knows what matters
What am I? I'm Popeye, the sailor

And I yam what I yam what I yam and I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam 'cause I yam what I yam

And I gots a lot of muskle and I only gots one eye
And I never hurts nobodys and I'll never tell a lie
Tops to me bottoms and me bottoms to me top
And that's the way it is 'till the day that I drop
What am I?
I yam what I yam!

I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam
I can open up an ockean I can take a lot of sail
I can lose a lot of waters and I'll never have to bail
I can pushk up Madagascar grab a whale by the tail
What am I?
What am I?
I yam what I yam!

I'm Popeye, the sailor
I'm Popeye, the sailor
I'm Popeye, the sailor
I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam
I yam what I yam what I yam what I yam
I'm Popeye the sailor man!


Ps: My gift is that in giving is receiving. So I just have to give.
You may find it boring.
You may judge me.
But I know that my strength is in love.
I know that only a real woman is able to love like that.
And I know it is very rare nowdays....
So my gift is to appreciate myself for who I really am.

I love you.
I love you so much my dear and beautiful friend!
I see your beauty shining all around you.
I see it with my heart when I stop to gaze in your eyes which is the mirror of your soul.
And even if I don't see your eyes, I can feel you.
You are so amazing. So unique peace of art. You are the perfection of life.

And I am as well.
And we are immensely free. Unlimited freedom is ours. We are whithout boundaries.
And I am without limiting myself right now and my intetntion is to keep that.

I love you from the deepest of my heart.
I really do.

2 megjegyzés:

Névtelen írta...

Szia Tündi !
Olvaslak tovább, és tovább...... és tovább.....
Köszönöm Neked, hogy írsz, és köszi a nevetős nemtudom mit !!!
Én is jót nevettem magamon....
Kívánom, hogy jól sikerüljön "magadtól" a 2. féléved Dániában. Képzeld, a Küri is odament tanulni építészetet - nemtom milyen városba.
Mi meg vagyunk jól, voltam Anyudnál. Puszillak: Nóra

Yaffa írta...

Drága, drága Nóra!
Bocs, h. csak most válaszolok.
Sokminden volt, meg közben elutaztunk Berlinbe.
Most értem vissza.
Nagyon-nagyon, nagyon örülök, hogy olvasol, és nagyon hálás vagyok azért is, hogy írtál!
Igen, mondta Anya, hogy voltál nála! Örülök. :) És annak is, hogy jól vagytok.
Tényleg nagyon-nagyon örülök, hogy olvasol, hogy itt vagy!
Sok szeretettel ölellek!