2009. január 30., péntek

Day 20.

LOVE is my answer.

Affirmation for today:

I bless my life and the lives of those who share my journey with love... I know that as I channel love to others, light will shine in the darkness and
my life will be a love filled one.

(If it is our intention to make every space we enter a loving one we become a very powerful conduit of energy... positive energy
And by bringing this loving feeling into our own hearts we are able to introduce energy into any situation we face.
It will be just surprising and certainly illuminating just how those around us change their reactions because of the light we bring to shine.
That is because we are all made of the same stuff.
The core of our being is love.
And when we tap into that well of love contained within us... we are able to produce such light that we can illuminate the dark areas of our lives and of those around us.
There is enormous love within us... it is just a case of allowing to be expressed and chanelled in the right direction
While it is wonderful to use words, to make our intention clear to those in our lives, it is also possible to link up with minds by channelling powerful thoughts of love and healing.. )

So dear and special friend... Do bless your life with love... recognise your angels who walk alongside you supporting you in all you do and recognise that deep inside of you is a well of love that will heal the world.

I love you.

1 megjegyzés:

Yaffa írta...

...one day I will be working with him.