2009. december 6., vasárnap

Day 95. - It does not hurt

a dream-girl not always and not for everyone
a dream-girl....
But it would be so boring if we would all have the same taste.
And the dream-girl
still a dream-girl
for many other people.

And yes,
sometimes one is joking
someone else is not joking
only one single time
and than it hurts.
But all truth of every one is about them...
It is just their state of consciousness.
Their state of mind.
And what touches a sensitive point in me, is about me, and my state of accepting myself.........

And still I can LOVE those persons who do not like me in some way.
And I do.

(The video says: It does not hurt, it does not hurt, it does not hurt. I'm saying that it does not hurt!)

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